Jurnal Fakultas Teknik Kuningan 2023-09-28T00:00:00+07:00 Open Journal Systems <p>Jurnal Fakultas Teknik UNISA KUNINGAN [<a href=";1603162347&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener">p-ISSN 2746-1209</a> | <a href=";1603162347&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener">E-ISSN 2746-220X</a>] adalah jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Universitas Islam Al-Ihya Kuningan. Jurnal Fakultas Teknik UNISA KUNINGAN akan menerbitkan artikel ilmiah dalam lingkup Teknik. Artikel yang diterbitkan adalah artikel dari penelitian, studi atau studi ilmiah kritis dan komprehensif tentang isu-isu penting dan terkini atau ulasan buku-buku ilmiah.</p> MODELING BONE PLATE STAINLESS STEEL 316L DENGAN BEBAN MEKANIS UNTUK APLIKASI PENYANGGA TULANG 2023-09-13T22:28:59+07:00 Ahmad Fikri Jajat Imanudin cecep abdul cholik Jaenal Gopur Asmanul Salam Fikri Ulul Albab Agus Adi Nursalim <p>Modeling adalah salah satu metode modern yang digunakan untuk mengetahui perilaku material saat diberikan stimulus dari luar. Metode ini sangat bermanfaat untuk mengetahui perilaku biomaterial untuk aplikasi struktural seperti penyangga tulang. Selain itu modeling dapat membantu dalam mengambil keputusan saat melakukan pemilihan material penyangga tulang. Saat digunakan oleh pasien, penyangga tulang akan menerima beban tarik, beban tekan dan beban geser. Beban tarik arah tegak lurus luas permukaan vertikal merupakan beban yang cukup dominan saat penyangga tulang digunakan oleh pasien. Pembebanan dilakukan untuk mengetahui perilaku pada stainless steel 316L&nbsp; terhadap&nbsp; gaya tarik saat diaplikasikan pada pasien. Metode yang digunakan untuk modeling tegangan dan regangan dengan menggunakan Autodesk inventor 360. Penyangga tulang digambar kemudian dilakukan analisis tegangan dengan memberikan beban tarik pada penyangga tulang. Gaya tarik yang diberikan mulai dari 150 N sampai 2300 N. Hasilnya semakin tinggi gaya tarik akan meningkatkan nilai tegangan dan regangan pada material stainless steel 316L. Meningkatnya nilai tegangan tersebut masih di bawah kekuatan luluh dan tarik pada stainless steel 316L yaitu 170 MPa dan 485 MPa.</p> 2023-09-22T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Fakultas Teknik Kuningan PENGARUH CAMPURAN ETANOL DENGAN BAHAN BAKAR PERTAMAX TERHADAP PERFORMA MESIN MOTOR YAMAHA JUPITER Z1 TAHUN 2014 2023-09-15T18:28:01+07:00 Fikri Ulul Albab Agus Adi Nursalim Engkus Kusmadi Wijaya <p><em>The development of technology in the automotive world, especially motorcycles, is growing rapidly and its use is increasing every year. There are many ways to improve engine performance, including in the ignition and fuel sectors. In the fuel sector, the use of high-octane fuels, including Pertamax, is needed to compensate for high compression pressures. To further improve engine performance, one alternative is to mix ethanol in Pertamax fuel. This research uses experimental method with quantitative research type. The tool used to perform the test is a dyno test. The independent variables used in this research are pure pertamax, 20% ethanol mixture and 80% Pertamax, 30% ethanol mixture and 70% Pertamax. The dependent variables in this study are torque and power. The results showed that there was an effect of adding ethanol to the engine performance of the Yamaha Jupiter Z1 which included torque and power. In general, complete combustion occurs with a high octane rating of the fuel to compensate for the high compression pressure.</em></p> 2023-09-22T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Fakultas Teknik Kuningan APLIKASI PENGELOLAAN LAPANGAN FUTSAL BERBASIS ANDROID MENGGUNAKAN ANDROID STUDIO (STUDI KASUS ABAH MADJA FUTSAL) 2023-09-20T14:13:54+07:00 Gina Dewi Sonia Fiqhscaz Muhammad Asyiq <p>Futsal merupakan salah satu olahraga terpopuler di Indonesia saat ini. Tak heran jika banyak orang yang membuka usaha penyewaan lapangan futsal, termasuk Stadion Futsal Abah Madja di Kuningan. Namun sistem penyewaan saat ini&nbsp; masih beroperasi secara manual. Penyewaan lapangan futsal akan lebih baik jika dilakukan secara terkomputerisasi, sehingga penyewa lapangan futsal tidak perlu datang ke lokasi untuk mengurangi aktivitas tatap muka, dan kita masih berada di tengah pandemi COVID-19. Apalagi ponsel telah menjadi bagian penting dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, terutama ponsel berbasis Android, sistem operasi yang paling banyak digunakan saat ini. Oleh karena itu perlu adanya sistem penyewaan lapangan futsal secara mobile agar penyewa dapat memesan lapangan futsal melalui aplikasi mobile Android sehingga proses penyewaan lapangan futsal dapat dilakukan dengan lebih efisien dan efektif. Untuk membangun sistem ini metode yang digunakan adalah model Protoype. Model ini merupakan&nbsp; model pengembangan perangkat lunak dimana pengembang program dan subjek penelitian dapat saling berkomunikasi dan memberikan informasi termasuk mendengarkan pelanggan atau menganalisis kebutuhan, membuat desain (mockup) dan pengujian desain. Sistem ini akan dibangun pada dua platform yaitu Android untuk tenant dan WEB untuk pengelola lapangan futsal. Sistem ini akan dibangun dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Java dan PHP serta MySQL sebagai databasenya.</p> 2023-09-22T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Fakultas Teknik Kuningan ANALISIS PENGARUH SUHU DAN WAKTU PADA SENSOR ECT TERHADAP PERFORMA ENGINE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PADA MESIN TOYOTA AVANZA 2NR DALAM KONDISI STATIONER 2023-09-13T22:30:33+07:00 Muhaimin Rifdi Hamdi Agus Adi Nursalim Fikri Ulul Albab <p><em>Engine Management System is a system used to regulate the proper air-fuel mixture, accurate ignition timing, and control other engine systems based on the conditions and workload of the vehicle. The EMS components consist of sensors, ECU, and actuators. This research aims to identify the influence of temperature and time variations on the Engine Coolant Temperature sensor on the performance of the EMS in the Toyota Avanza 2NR engine. The experimental method was employed, conducting experiments under various temperature conditions 30°C to 80°C and working durations 3 to 18 minutes to measure parameters such as Engine RPM, Injection Time, Ignition Timing, Intake Air Temperature, Engine Load, and Air Intake. Based on the research findings and data analysis, it can be concluded that there is a significant impact of temperature and working time on the ECT sensor's effect on the performance of the Engine Management System at idle speed. As the temperature increases, there is a gradual decrease in Engine Load from 42% to 34%, Engine RPM from 1291.85 to 601.77 RPM, Injection Time from 3.5 m/s to 2.3 m/s, and Air Intake from 4.93 g/s to 1.51 g/s. The Intake Air Temperature remains relatively stable around 29°C to 36°C. Furthermore, there are variations observed in the Ignition Timing parameter to ensure proper combustion and optimal engine performance.</em></p> 2023-09-22T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Fakultas Teknik Kuningan HUBUNGAN PEMBERIAN KONSUMSI PROTEIN HEWANI DENGAN PERTAMBAHAN BERAT BADAN PADA BALITA GIZI KURANG DI DESA TIMBANG KECAMATAN CIGANDANEKAR KABUPATEN KUNINGAN TAHUN 2023 2023-09-15T18:29:56+07:00 Muhamad Ikhsan Prawira Negara Alfiani Rizki Faisal Azhar Sugandi <p><em>The purpose of this study was to determine the consumption of animal protein and weight gain, and to find out how big the relationship between animal protein consumption and weight gain in malnourished toddlers aged 24-59 months in Timbang Village, Cigandamekar District, Kuningan Regency in 2023. This research using analytic observational (non-experimental) with a Cross Sectional approach. The subjects of this study were malnourished toddlers in Timbang Village, Cigandamekar District, with a total of 48 toddlers. The instrument used is a questionnaire. The results of the study regarding the relationship between animal protein consumption and body weight gain, there is a significant relationship between animal protein consumption and weight gain for undernourished toddlers in Timbang Village, Cigandamekar District in 2023 with a value of ρ = 0.013 (ρ value &lt;0.05).</em></p> 2023-09-22T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Fakultas Teknik Kuningan PENERAPAN SISTEM MONITORING AKTIVITAS AKADEMIK SISWA PADA SMART INTEGRATED ACADEMIC SCHOOL (SIAS) BERBASIS ANDROID DI MTS AL IKHLAS JAMBAR 2023-09-15T18:28:40+07:00 Neng Sri Lathifah Zulfa Fanji Fakhru Zaman Reni Nuraeni <p>This research aims to provide convenience to parents or guardians of students in knowing<br>their students' academic progress. It also aims to facilitate teachers in conveying students'<br>academic performance information to parents and enable easy monitoring of students<br>and discussions with the school authorities. The research uses a qualitative method,<br>where the researcher seeks to describe the process of developing the Smart Integrated<br>Academic School monitoring system application. This application was developed using<br>the waterfall system development method and programmed in PHP. The results to this<br>research show that the application is capable of providing convenience for parents to<br>track their students' academic progress. Additionally, the program created also facilitates<br>parents in easily monitoring their students' progress and engaging in discussions with the<br>school.</p> 2023-09-22T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Fakultas Teknik Kuningan KINERJA PELTIER SEBAGAI PEMBANGKIT LISTRIK TENAGA TERMOELEKTRIK 2023-09-13T22:29:40+07:00 Uyu Wahyudin Cecep Nana Nasuha Asep Miftahul Anwar <p><em>The majority of power facilities in Indonesia continue to rely on fossil fuels as their primary source of energy. Nevertheless, as a step toward the implementation of renewable energy, Peltier devices can be utilized as heat-powered electric generators. The objective of this study is to assess the performance and efficacy of Peltier devices as thermoelectric power generators. On a 20 x 30 cm aluminum plate, 10 Peltier modules of type TEC1-12706 were arranged in series for this investigation. Two distinct tests, employing solar heat energy and heat energy from a vacuum separator, were conducted. Using Peltier devices with a vacuum separator resulted in a greater output, namely 0.3818 Watt at a temperature of 60 C, than using solar heat energy, which generated 0.0223 Watt at a temperature of 37 C. The efficiency of solar-powered Peltier devices was determined to be 0.24 percent, while the efficiency of a vacuum separator was 0.62 percent. However, the efficiency of Peltier devices is still insufficient for them to serve as a primary source of electricity generation.</em></p> 2023-09-22T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Fakultas Teknik Kuningan