Upaya Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Passing Kaki Bagian Dalam Pada Sepakbola Melalui Permainan Gawang Segitiga Siswa Kelas X IPA.1 SMA Negeri 27 Seram Bagian Barat Tahun Ajaran 2018-2019
Keywords: Football, Football games triangle gate, Skill of football.Abstract
The ability of football inside passing in football games of students X SMA Negeri 27 Seram Bagian Barat still low. This research aims to know about learning result foot- inside passing in football games through triangle gate. In this game restricted in a foot-inside passing. This research used class action research methodology. The participants of the research are students of Class X IPA 1 in SMA Negeri 27 Seram Bagian Barat with total population class 23 students. There are arrangement of the research: 1) plan, 2) implement, 3) identify, 4) reflection. The data findings were obtained by using lesson plan, observation sheet and also documentation. The data analysis showed in descriptive precentages. The result of the research revealed that in cycle I the skill average of foot-inside passing got the higher score in 70. Students who get score 75 or pass the KKM only 13 students or 56%. However, in cycle II the skill average of foot-inside passing got highest score in 78, there are 19 students that pass the score or 83%. It was completed the target of 75%. The result of the research showed that there is improvement in every aspects there are: the improvement of students activeness, seriousness and bravery of the students to follow the lesson, and also fun learning environment that can motivate the students to follow the lesson.
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